Author: Venkat Khalsa


Venkat Khalsa, a tech enthusiast and expert, brings a wealth of knowledge to Techno Karan. With a keen eye for innovation, he delivers insightful articles, reviews, and updates, making him your go-to source for all things tech.

In a bold move that echoes its innovative spirit in electric vehicles, Tesla is stepping into the world of smartphones with the much-anticipated Tesla Phone. This new entry promises to redefine what we expect from mobile technology, blending Tesla’s trademark innovation with cutting-edge features designed to revolutionize the smartphone market. As Tesla enthusiasts and tech enthusiasts alike eagerly await its release, let’s delve into what makes the Tesla Phone a potential game changer in the realm of mobile technology. What is Introducing the Tesla Phone: A Game Changer in Mobile Technology? The Tesla Phone marks Tesla’s ambitious foray into the…

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Welcome to the world of sustainable investing! Have you ever thought about how your investments can make a positive impact on the world? That’s where ESG funds come in. In this article, we’ll explore the exciting realm of sustainable investing and learn how2invest how to invest in ESG funds. What are ESG Funds? Let’s start with the basics. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG funds are a special type of investment fund that focuses not only on making money but also on making a difference. These funds look at how companies treat the environment, their employees, and how…

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Are you searching for a standing desk with a blend of economic design and functionality to restructure your work experience? MotionGrey embraces you in the epoch of elevated productivity and improved fitness with Best Standing Desk. In this feverish world, we are just like a desk potato after spending hours seated at our desks. It’s essential to prioritize well-being and fitness to maintain an active, and healthier lifestyle. MotionGrey’s best standing desk embarks us on a journey to transmute our work experience. In this article, we will talk about how you can embrace a healthier work routine with the best…

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Marriage is a sacred institution, however amorphous. It takes shape depending on the person, country, culture, tradition, or even religion where the connection is created. As an institution based on a social contract, its importance has a wider horizon. It doesn’t contain only the black and white colors depicted in the contract. When including the spiritual aspect, love, respect for each other, and commitment to faith and religion, it takes on different colors and forms. Marital ties are not static ties. On the contrary, in countries and especially in different religions, the rituals of marriage get different interpretations. If a…

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Real estate investment stands out as a highly attractive avenue for building wealth, offering potential for both immediate income and long-term capital appreciation. However, like any investment, it comes with its share of challenges and risks. This comprehensive guide delves into essential strategies and tips for those looking to dive into or expand their portfolio in the real estate market. From understanding market dynamics to leveraging technology, these insights aim to equip investors with the tools needed for successful real estate ventures. Conduct Thorough Market Research The cornerstone of any successful real estate investment is comprehensive market research. Understanding local…

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Introduction Embarking in the realm of Instagram marketing can be daunting, especially for newcomers to the platform. In the evolving landscape of social media, a robust Instagram marketing strategy has become a necessity. With over 800 million active monthly users and 500 million daily Stories, Instagram has solidified its position as the second-most popular visual-first social platform. This guide aims to equip you with the essential insights and strategies to navigate the intricacies of Instagram marketing successfully. The Instagram Landscape Instagram’s meteoric rise has transformed it into a treasure trove for businesses of all sizes. With the ability to drive…

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Introduction In the dynamic world of social media, the pursuit of Instagram fame has become a common aspiration. With billions of users, Instagram has emerged as a platform where individuals aspire to be influencers, generating not only engagement but also potential earnings. The year 2022 sees a surge in the desire for free and effortless ways to increase Instagram followers and likes. In this comprehensive guide, we explore one such website that claims to offer free Instagram followers without the need for logins or tasks. The Quest for Free Followers 1. The Allure of Free Followers In a world captivated…

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Introduction In the realm of social media dominance, the year 2022 will witness a surge in the desire to become an influencer, particularly on Instagram. The aspiration for greater followers and engagement on this platform has led to the exploration of various websites and applications that claim to offer free Instagram followers. This comprehensive guide delves into one such website, Gram Followers, touted as one of the best platforms of 2022 for increasing Instagram followers. Exploring Gram Followers 1. Is Gram Followers Free? The primary allure of Gram Followers lies in its claim to be a free service. Users are…

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Introduction In the dynamic landscape of social media, the year 2022 has witnessed an exponential rise in Instagram influencers. As the desire to become an influencer grows, so does the need to increase followers on Instagram. In this article, we’ll explore one of the best websites of 2022 for boosting Instagram followers – Fame Followers. Exploring the Benefits of Fame Followers 1. Computer-Based Platform Fame Followers stands out as a computer-based website, providing users with a convenient platform to increase their Instagram followers. The accessibility from a computer enhances the user experience. 2. User-Friendly Interface One of the key benefits…

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The real estate sector is experiencing a seismic shift, driven by the rapid advancement of technology. From virtual property tours to blockchain transactions, the landscape of buying, selling, and managing properties is being reshaped by innovative tech trends. This evolution not only offers enhanced efficiency and convenience but also opens up new opportunities for real estate professionals to engage with clients and streamline operations. In this article, we explore the forefront of real estate technology, highlighting trends that are setting the pace for the future of the industry. Virtual and Augmented Reality: A New Dimension in Property Viewing Virtual and…

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